Management Team

Management Team

ScinoPharm boasts a highly skilled management team. Most of our professional staff in the R&D, management, and technology department have many years of practical experience in operating international pharmaceutical factories.


Chih-Hsien Lo | Chairman and General Chief Strategy Officer

Mr. Lo received an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. He is currently the chairman of Uni-President Enterprises Corp.


Li-An(Susan) Lu | President and CEO

Ms. Lu earned her M.S. from National Sun Yat-sen University in finance and B.S. in agricultural economics from National Taiwan University. She has nearly 20 years of experience in financial operation and corporate investment management in Uni-President Enterprises Corp.


LH Lien | Vice-President of Marketing & Sales and Operations

Mr. LH Lien received his M.S. in Chemical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University. With his professional expert and solid expertise in the pharmaceutical production industry, plus a 20-year comprehensive R&D, production, and sales department background, Lien being promoted to Vice-president of ScinoPharm in 2020.


Gloria Chang | Vice President of R&D Division and Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Chang received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from National Taiwan University. She held positions in quality control, analytical R&D, biotech, peptide product development, pharmaceutical development and the head of quality management division. She has close to 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.


Katy Cheng | Vice President of Quality Management

Ms. Cheng received a Master's degree in Business Administration from National Chiao-Tung University and a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from Kaohsiung Medical University. She has more than 30 years of drug product quality and production management experience in many multinational pharmaceutical companies, especially in the field of injectable drugs.